LightningChart Basic >>> DOWNLOAD
LightningChart Basic >>> DOWNLOAD
1) LightningChart Basic is a free, open-source charting component for.NET. 2) LightingChart is used in over 2,000,000.NET applications. 3) LightningChart is the fastest chart in the world for.NET and Windows (single-threaded and multi-threaded, Windows XP, Windows 7). 4) LightningChart Basic's design philosophy is to focus on the task of charting, and to make the charting as easy as possible. The series types supported by LightningChart Basic are: 1) line, pie, and donut charts. 2) bar charts with fixed sizes for horizontal, vertical, and mixed orientation. 3) line charts, which can have fixed width, height, or both. 4) and png, jpeg, gif images in a set, which can be loaded either dynamically or statically. LightningChart Basic's chart types include: 1) common line chart types with mouse and keyboard interaction such as line, area, image, and bubble. 2) bar charts. 3) pie charts. 4) Donut charts. 5) option charts, which can have additional options, such as mouse interaction, animations, scale, and axes. 6) animated graphs. 7) reusable charts, which can be used multiple times. LightningChart Basic is available as a nuget package. You can read more about LightningChart on the Wiki page: LightningChart. Features: 1) LightningChart Basic is available in Portable and Metro configurations and supports large screen resolutions and easy customization of the chart appearance. 2) LightningChart Basic doesn't require any advanced charting knowledge. 3) The application can be built with.NET 4.5, 4.0, 3.5, 3.0 and.NET Framework. 4) LightningChart Basic is built with.NET Standard 2.0 and is easily portable to Windows Store and Universal Windows Platform. Limitations: 1) LightningChart Basic provides the following chart types: Line, Pie, Donut, Bar, Image and Animated graph, these chart types can be used together
LightiningChart Basic is a lite version of the fastest chart in the world for.NET and Windows, LightningChart Pro. LightningChart Basic Crack Mac is a multi-purpose chart library that features a modern, very customizable look. It provides good real-time monitoring performance while keeping the CPU overhead extremely low. LightningChart Basic allows using very high line point counts, high screen resolution and huge amout of series to be displayed, while maintaining good refresh rate allowing smooth X-dimensional scrolling. Key features: - Simple, neat look - X-Dimensional scaling is available, allowing to navigate through the entire dataset in 3 dimensions - Highly customizable - Very easy to create and customize.NET reports - CPU usage low, even at high line counts and high screen resolution. - Supports date series, ie, series with date values - Supports dates from.NET DateTime class - Supports.NET String, Char and Guid classes. - Supports.NET Int, UInt, Float and Decimal classes - Supports double precision floats - User-Defined Subplots (Performs very good in.NET Core) - Runs in ASP.NET MVC and.NET Core applications. - Supports Chart.DataContext and WPF binding - Supports WPF databinding - Supports databinding with BindingSource (In.NET Core) - Uses data binding to access data context. - Supports datasets and chart types - Supports multiple series. - Supports multiple X-Axis scales - Supports multiple Y-Axis scales - Supports multiple chart types
LightningChart Basic Crack Keygen Full Version [Mac/Win] * Supports ~65K real-time chart items * Real-time update of the chart based on spreadsheet data and plots. Data refreshes every x seconds. * Reasonable performance for any line point count and screen resolution * Measures very close to C# Winforms * Very customizable look * Supports Multi-Axis charts and Stacked Charts MASS C# Auto-Updater for Windows is a tiny updater, automatically monitoring Windows for updates, and downloading and installing them for you if and when they are available. It uses the Major Windows Update Services and the Windows Update online service for updates, and includes a remote control for the Windows Update service, so you can use MASS C# Auto-Updater to automatically update any other application you may want to update as well. 3D Mass Chart is a simple chart library for.NET and Windows, that provides the perfect solution for time series/indicator charts with the ability to create massive amounts of 3D objects in a very quick manner. It is very useful in creating interesting 3D charts or any other 2D chart where you need more data to be presented than the standard screen resolution and line point count can fit in. It is a 2D chart library with a real-time data refresh (at least ~20 items per second) and with X, Y and Z axis values and with real-time updating of the chart based on spreadsheet data and plots. It does not support 3D only charts though. 3D Mass Chart is a very customizable chart library that has easy to use controls with a very customizable look and with a simple API. It has almost no memory and CPU overhead, with very reasonable refresh rate, allowing you to display 30K+ items in real-time on a modern high-resolution screen. It also includes scrolling and zoom. KEYMACRO Description: * Supports ~65K real-time chart items * Very simple API for all charting functionality * Real-time update of the chart based on spreadsheet data and plots. Data refreshes every x seconds. * Reasonable performance for any line point count and screen resolution * Supports Multi-Axis charts and Stacked Charts * Easy to use, very customizable controls * Comes with an easy-to-use IDE with an integrated documentation tool Mass Chart is a.NET charting component that enables you to quickly create all kinds of chart types for your Windows applications. Mass Chart's feature set LightningChart Basic is a lite version of the fastest chart in the world for.NET and Windows, LightningChart Pro. LightningChart Basic is a multi-purpose chart library that features a modern, very customizable look. It provides good real-time monitoring performance while keeping the CPU overhead extremely low. LightningChart Basic allows using very high line point counts, high screen resolution and huge amout of series to be displayed, while maintaining good refresh rate allowing smooth X-dimensional scrolling. LightningChart Basic is a lite version of the fastest chart in the world for.NET and Windows, LightningChart Pro. LightningChart Basic is a multi-purpose chart library that features a modern, very customizable look. It provides good real-time monitoring performance while keeping the CPU overhead extremely low. LightningChart Basic allows using very high line point counts, high screen resolution and huge amout of series to be displayed, while maintaining good refresh rate allowing smooth X-dimensional scrolling. LightningChart Basic is a lite version of the fastest chart in the world for.NET and Windows, LightningChart Pro. LightningChart Basic is a multi-purpose chart library that features a modern, very customizable look. It provides good real-time monitoring performance while keeping the CPU overhead extremely low. LightningChart Basic allows using very high line point counts, high screen resolution and huge amout of series to be displayed, while maintaining good refresh rate allowing smooth X-dimensional scrolling. LightningChart Basic Description: LightningChart Basic is a lite version of the fastest chart in the world for.NET and Windows, LightningChart Pro. LightningChart Basic is a multi-purpose chart library that features a modern, very customizable look. It provides good real-time monitoring performance while keeping the CPU overhead extremely low. LightningChart Basic allows using very high line point counts, high screen resolution and huge amout of series to be displayed, while maintaining good refresh rate allowing smooth X-dimensional scrolling. LightningChart Basic is a lite version of the fastest chart in the world for.NET and Windows, LightningChart Pro. LightningChart Basic is a multi-purpose chart library that features a modern, very customizable look. It provides good real-time monitoring performance while keeping the CPU overhead extremely low. LightningChart Basic allows using very high line point counts, high screen resolution and huge amout of series to be displayed, while maintaining good refresh rate allowing smooth X-dimensional scrolling. LightningChart Basic is a lite version of the fastest chart in the world for.NET and Windows, LightningChart Pro. LightningChart Basic is a LightningChart Basic Crack+ Activation Code With Keygen Download PC/Windows LightningChart Basic (BASIC) is a charting library based on the brand new data visualization library, LightningChart. LightningChart Basic is a lite version of LightningChart Pro. Basic supports a wide range of chart types and has good real-time performance, even with a large number of series. Basic also allows displaying of real-time data, which can be very useful for applications that use Windows Firewall on an ad-hoc basis. LightningChart Basic provides excellent performance with its native and the most advanced charting component , which supports automatic real-time series detection. It provides full support for.NET Framework 3.5 and higher. Download your copy of LightningChart Basic, that includes 3 sample applications. It is easy to download and install the latest version of LightningChart Basic. The charting library is light, fast and scalable. There is no additional license fee for LightningChart Basic. LightningChart Basic Charting Component Features: The LightningChart Basic charting component is a Windows Forms chart component. The LightningChart Basic charting component is completely optimized for high performance and it does not use timers or threads when displaying data series. It supports multiple series and full interactivity for such series. All series are automatically detected and displayed for real-time monitoring. The charting component supports a wide range of chart types. The LightningChart Basic charting component is easy to use and it can be integrated into any application easily. LightningChart Basic charting component is fully compatible with.NET Framework 3.5 and higher. The charting component comes with a set of X and Y axes types, and also provides high performance auto-scaling methods. The charting component can handle very high series counts. The charting component is very versatile as it can display charts with almost any kind of data. It has got great compatibility with Windows Forms charting components. The charting component provides all the charting needs. The charting component is very powerful and advanced. It has got a set of very useful chart types for real-time, real-time monitoring and advanced charting needs. Sample Applications: There are several applications and samples that use the LightningChart Basic charting component. It includes 3 sample applications. The sample application Basic d408ce498b * Supports ~65K real-time chart items * Real-time update of the chart based on spreadsheet data and plots. Data refreshes every x seconds. * Reasonable performance for any line point count and screen resolution * Measures very close to C# Winforms * Very customizable look * Supports Multi-Axis charts and Stacked Charts MASS C# Auto-Updater for Windows is a tiny updater, automatically monitoring Windows for updates, and downloading and installing them for you if and when they are available. It uses the Major Windows Update Services and the Windows Update online service for updates, and includes a remote control for the Windows Update service, so you can use MASS C# Auto-Updater to automatically update any other application you may want to update as well. 3D Mass Chart is a simple chart library for.NET and Windows, that provides the perfect solution for time series/indicator charts with the ability to create massive amounts of 3D objects in a very quick manner. It is very useful in creating interesting 3D charts or any other 2D chart where you need more data to be presented than the standard screen resolution and line point count can fit in. It is a 2D chart library with a real-time data refresh (at least ~20 items per second) and with X, Y and Z axis values and with real-time updating of the chart based on spreadsheet data and plots. It does not support 3D only charts though. 3D Mass Chart is a very customizable chart library that has easy to use controls with a very customizable look and with a simple API. It has almost no memory and CPU overhead, with very reasonable refresh rate, allowing you to display 30K+ items in real-time on a modern high-resolution screen. It also includes scrolling and zoom. KEYMACRO Description: * Supports ~65K real-time chart items * Very simple API for all charting functionality * Real-time update of the chart based on spreadsheet data and plots. Data refreshes every x seconds. * Reasonable performance for any line point count and screen resolution * Supports Multi-Axis charts and Stacked Charts * Easy to use, very customizable controls * Comes with an easy-to-use IDE with an integrated documentation tool Mass Chart is a.NET charting component that enables you to quickly create all kinds of chart types for your Windows applications. Mass Chart's feature set What's New In? System Requirements For LightningChart Basic: Minimum: OS: Windows 7 Processor: 1.8 GHz Dual Core Memory: 4GB RAM Graphics: Nvidia GT 330 or AMD Radeon HD6570 DirectX: Version 9.0 Storage: 6GB available space Network: Broadband Internet connection Recommended: Processor: 3.5 GHz Quad Core Memory: 6GB RAM Graphics: Nvidia GT 440 or AMD Radeon HD6870 DirectX: Version 10 Storage: 8GB